April 19, 2010

Its Annoying When...

...you get "inspired" to write and you are nowhere near a computer. I should really get one of those recorder things John Cusack uses in "Say Anything". It could be beneficial to my loyal blog readers.

Below are some one-liners from my weekend, hopefully these will keep you entertained until my next bout of inspiration comes.

"Yes, one of the things I like about him is that he's a boy."
"I feel so grown up when I actually go inside the bank"
"He turned the gun sideways, it's a kill shot!"
"Are my eyes as red and puffy as yours?"
"Did you just move in?"
"Yes, but are they as nice as Jesus' abs?"
"I haven't been in this church service for five years, yet the song still doesn't end until after the key change."
"Even the mundane was ornate"
"What's your southern belle name again? Hudlah?"
"...and we'll have a pet elephant named Henry..."


Ben Wilder said...

Nice! I recognize a couple of those!

April said...

I love quotes! These are GREAT!
Also, I am saving my pennies for a digital voice recorder, because I too have inspiration while away from keyboards.

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Amy Jessica said...

Firstly I love your blog
Secondly I love that little one liner about Jesus, made me giggle ;)

Amy Jessica

north face factory outlet said...
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Heather said...

Thanks Amy Jessica! It was quite a random/fun weekend. :)