April 27, 2010


I love stories. As a child I had a book shelf under the big picture window in our front room where I would sit and read my entire library of Dr. Seuss. I am still an avid reader, switching between fiction and non-fiction.

But not only do I enjoy reading stories, I love hearing them. When I first became unemployed I wondered how to get a job that involved coffee and listening to people's life-stories. If I had a dream job description it would have to involve those two things. People and coffee.

In just a few minutes I'll be meeting with a couple, over coffee, to hear what God is doing in their story. Then I will write a little diddy for the church's website.

Story, people, coffee and writing. I'm getting close.


Nadeem1414 said...

http://www.stories.pk i have visited to this site and found to get the interested love story which is very impressive.

April said...
