August 03, 2010

It'sThat Time...

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time for every activity under heaven and that we cannot fathom what God has done from the beginning to the end.

I believe time to be a bitter sweet necessity in our lives. Bitter because we get frustrated with God when He does not do things in our time-frame. Sweet because if he hadn't given us a 24-hr day, who knows what we would try to accomplish! We need time and yet it can be the very thing that keeps us from continuing to follow Christ whole heartedly. It can be a deterrent of trust.

I know in my own life I seem to be frustrated the most when God has said no to something I think would be best for me, right now. Whether it was a great career or the man I wanted to marry, God said its not time yet.

What is it you had hoped God would do, but you have yet to see it happen? Let me encourage you with this--Abraham was 100-years-old when Isaac was born. and Moses was 80-years-old when God sent him back to the Promise Land to free His people.

What God has promised to do for you


There is a time for everything. Do not let being caught here on this earth, stuck in time, deter you from trusting the One who lives in eternity.

1 comment:

April said...

Good stuff!
I had hoped that God would set a big pile of money in my lap during my time of unemployment.
And now that I think of it, he has been putting big piles of $$ in my lap every two weeks in the form of my unemp. paychecks.
Yet I somehow cannot figure out how to get ahead.
Perhaps I should start praying for wiser money management skills, instead of just for money...