May 05, 2005



So I finished the 1/2 Marathon! YAY ME! 3:31:38 was my time. My 9, 10, 11 miles were only 13:00 min. miles. That's great for me!

It's been a fairly though emotional week. A lot of questions I don't have answers to and it all boils down to the fact I need to trust God...but somedays I get confused about what that looks like or how to live that out practically. I went back to the book "Ruthless Trust" by Brennan Manning last night and read what I underlined the 1st time I read it. There's a story of this guy who asks Mother Teresa to pray for clarity for him. She tells him that clarity is the last thing he needs, she'll pray he can trust God.

Amen...and Amen.

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